As women, we embody an exceptional form of spiritual power through our capacity to create new life, even if we never take that journey, or are past being fertile. We don’t usually think of our female body processes as expressions of power because we live in a culture that doesn’t teach us about what female power looks like, where to find it and how to exercise it. In a male dominant world, we’re often expected (and expect ourselves) to behave just like men. The result? Stress, anxiety, no conception, repeated miscarriages, painful periods, complications in labour and birth, depression, low self-worth and so on. Once you know how to unleash the incredible power hidden inside your body, you can let it fuel your whole life. My job is to show you how to do just that!
“What’s needed for our body processes to function optimally is for us to respect and collaborate with the natural laws that govern them, rather than over-ride or ignore them.”
At Miraculous Moments I guide you to find, reclaim and embody the sacred power hidden inside some of your most intimate female experiences.
Education – to enable you to understand the miraculous eco-system inside your body, the natural laws governing it and how to align with them.
Hypnotherapy – to identify and transform subconscious barriers to conception and replace them with a positive attraction that draws the spirit of the baby to you.
Support – for IVF and other reproductive technologies, so that your body is flooded with endorphins to create a blissful landing pad for your embryo.
Education – so you can really understand what’s going on during your cycle, especially PMS and painful periods.
Hypnotherapy – to reprogram unhelpful beliefs and attitudes to your period, and to relieve period pain, so you can transform your relationship to menstruation.
Support – to enable you to access the spirituality of menstruation, so it turns you into a woman of power!
Education – about the natural laws that govern the birth process, so you can align with your mammalian body and give birth from your centre of power.
Hypnotherapy – to identify and dismantle your fears and unhelpful beliefs about your body, labour, birth and parenting.
Support – for pregnancy complications and necessary caesarean birth, so you can still retain your power and create the best experience possible.

Birth Trauma
Education – to identify and understand the big picture contributors to your traumatic experience.
Hypnotherapy – for immediate relief and rapid resolution of distressing symptoms (such as avoidance, intrusive memories, distress, feeling disconnected from your baby).
Support – to transform the trauma into an initiation into the powerful mystery of what it means to be female.
Pregnancy Losses
Education – about normal grief responses after the death of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or termination, what to expect and how to manage it.
Hypnotherapy – to release emotional torment and connect with the spirit of your baby.
Support – to break the isolation, and self-care practices to navigate this time with greater peace.
Women’s Hypnotherapy
- to relieve and eliminate morning sickness, especially when there are underlying emotional or lineage factors.
- to dismantle fear, stress and anxiety about pregnancy, birth or anything else.
- to support you through reproductive surgeries with your power intact.
to build your self-appreciation and self-worth as a woman from the inside out.

Book an Appointment Now
Call: 0437 825 564
““Female spirituality expresses the self-renewing nature of the Universe, the ever creative round of unfolding and regeneration.””

Female Spirituality
Female spirituality is all about our relationship to power – the mother-bear, raw power that births a baby. This may be a physical baby or it may be a project, a passionate protection of the environment or any of the myriad other things that women care about and to which they commit their energies.
As women, we face many obstacles to our female power. Life is full of curve balls and dilemmas. How we handle them makes all the difference. Do we become helpless victims? Or do we turn the challenges into portals that take us deeper into our female power? I believe that’s what adversity is for – to lead us to healing. I’m here to guide you into the beauty and magnificence of your female power, so when life throws you a curveball, you can hit it right out of the park!
“Your amazing female body is an inexhaustible source of spiritual power and it’s my delight and privilege to teach you how to access that power.”

To find out more about your amazing female body, read my book: Activate Your Female Power.