Maybe your relationship has broken down and your self-esteem is at an all time low. Or there’s a gnarly pattern that just won’t resolve, no matter what you’ve tried. Or perhaps you’re facing a new opportunity and your doubts are getting the better of you. If this sounds like you, let me help you join the dots, see it through new eyes and support you to access an internal space where you regain your power, agency and confidence.
Hypnotherapy is a really effective way to rapidly resolve many dilemmas. For example it can:
- relieve and eliminate morning sickness, especially when there are underlying emotional or lineage factors, which we’ll explore and identify.
- dismantle fear, stress and anxiety about pregnancy, birth or anything else; the special hormonal state of pregnancy makes it a great time for clearing things.
- support you through reproductive surgeries with your power intact; when you’re in the driver’s seat, medical intervention can be less scary and really helpful.
- build your self-appreciation and self-worth as a woman from the inside out; beauty is definitely an inside job!
I really love enabling women to find their own internal authority, power and agency. I believe it’s our birth right as human beings. And while it can get lost through the many offenses we encounter in a patriarchal world, we can always claim it back again, all the stronger for the experience.
You deserve to be your best self! And our world now needs you to show up in all your fullness. You have something to contribute that no-one else can. I’d love to help you to do that. So let’s talk! Give me a call today.

Book an appointment with Sharon NOW!
Call 0437 825 564

To find out more about your amazing female body, read my book: Activate Your Female Power.